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Deutsche Welle sheds light on the Initiative’s efforts

In an Article titled: “Is UN aid into Syria being used as a political football?”, light has been shed on the efforts of the Cross Border Aid into Syria is Legal team. Under the subheading “Growing need for alternatives”, the articles noted that “there is another possibility too, one that revolves around an initiative instigated by the American Relief Coalition for Syria, or ARCS, a US-based umbrella for Syrian aid organizations, and British human rights lawyers, Guernica 37, also known as G37.” Going further it highlighted that

“The G37's legal initiative is planning to publish a similar letter again shortly, this time with signatories including former judges at the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice.

It further quoted:

"Changing the status-quo taken for granted by many for the past eight years is not straightforward," Ibrahim Olabi, a lawyer at G37 and a key strategist behind the initiative, told DW.” He and the initiative's legal expert, Jack Sproson, have been working behind the scenes for over six months to convince supportive governments to back the idea that cross-border aid for Syria is legal without UNSC permission. They have been meeting delegations in Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Washington, New York, London, Bern and Ankara, among others. "The question now is how governments will be able to move on this issue," he said. "But I think realistic prospects exist. There's huge interest and some politicians have told us that the political cost of renewing [the resolution regularly] has simply become much too high," he concluded.

The full article can be read here


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